A fitness holiday

So you’ve spent the best part of the winter getting into shape for the beach holiday of your dreams; two weeks relaxing in the sun, drinking cocktails and indulging in the delicious local cuisine. But what about all those endless hours of training you’ve endured, the miles that you’ve run, the calories that you’ve burned… should it all come to an abrupt halt for two weeks of self-indulgence?

The good news is that holidays are the perfect time to experiment with new sports and activities. Watersports, beach volleyball, swimming and cycling are all common activities you can do while on holiday so check out our guide on how to keep your body toned!

Plan your activities
Always check the facilities available at your accommodation and the resort. Many hotels have gyms but there are often watersports or yoga classes available too. If you can, ring the hotel and enquire about facilities and don’t forget to pack your trainers and training gear!

Jet lag, heat and altitude can make even the easiest of workouts seem exhausting so take it easy for your first couple of days. Listen to your body and give it time to adjust. Run early morning or late evening to avoid the heat and swim at midday rather than trying anything too energetic.

How much exercise do I need?

This really depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to train for a half marathon, clearly you need a lot more exercise than if you want to just be as fit as you need to be, to be healthy. Do you want to be fit for a specific reason, or just generally healthy? If you want to simply be healthy, the expert bodies suggest that to improve your health you should build up to being physically active at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes, five days a week. Exercise scientists have discovered that for health purposes, mild to moderate levels of activity are all that is required.


Thirty minutes, five days a week sounds like a lot initially, but when you hear it’s just mild to moderate activity, it’s actually not that hard to fit in. This could include a brisk walk to work or to the shops, it doesn’t mean an intense gym workout or running five times a week. If, on the other hand, you want to train for a specific sport, event or have another goal in mind, the chances are you need a structured training plan to achieve the level of fitness required.

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